How to win customers and influence people

Have you checked out your website visitor figures lately? Is your SERPs something to be proud of or are you still languishing in P-Nowhere on page 11 of Google? Unless you re on that front page of every search, you re missing out on a huge amount of potential business. More than 90% of searchers click on the first page listings. The further down the rankings you are, the less likely you are to get a slice of that particular pie.

SEO copywriting has a vital role to play in getting visitors to click on your site, but if there s nothing to grab them once they've clicked, they ll quickly bounce and never return. So there s an aspect of web copywriting that has to play a primary role in keeping your visitors coming back for more, and it s called 'Conversion Optimization .

What is conversion optimization?

Conversion optimization is a method of creating content that converts visitors into customers. It s vital that your message inspires not just the search engine 'bots but also your human visitors too, encouraging every site visitor to become a paying customer. All they need is a little guidance.

While an effective online campaign will focus primarily on channelling traffic towards your site through effective SEO and perhaps PPC techniques, these strategies are pointless unless that increase in traffic can be turned into conversions. SEO copywriting can open the doors. It s up to your web content to bring the customers in and get them to head to the checkout with a shopping cart full of your products.

Clearly defined business objectives, a good understanding of your audience through analysis and research and easy to follow roadmaps through effective site navigation are all critical to guide your customers around your site. But the key element that you should never lose sight of is your message. How you present that is of particular importance, particularly on your home and landing pages. It is this message, conveyed in a clear, engaging manner and with a strong call to action that will convert visitors into customers.

What s your motivation?

For your web content to actively reflect your true message, you have to know what you want that content to achieve. What are your motivations and whom are you aiming your content at? Do you want to generate leads, convert clicks into cash or encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter? Are you trying to encourage interaction through responding to blog postings or are you simply trying to sell a product? Once you have a clear understanding of what your motivation is, you can then create killer content that delivers the message clearly and simply to your target audience.

Update the copy, keep the message

Your customers needs are constantly evolving. Therefore so must your copy. Just because your copy works for a while does not necessarily mean that it will continue to be effective in six months time. Websites are never 'finished . They are always a work in progress and fresh, original content that still keeps the core message as a central focus will turn unique visitors into returns. Those returns are far more likely to convert into customers than just trying to lure in passing trade on an ad hoc basis.

So revisiting your web content is a must to retain that element of conversion optimization. If you feel that it s a struggle to stay on top of this continuous job then the best thing to do is to hand the process over to a copywriter with the skills and experience to do it for you. They can fashion your call to action, your content and your updates in a clear and concise manner, using a voice or 'tone that your audience will be respond positively to. They highlight the benefits of your product or services while still maintaining that key element – your core message. Content really is king in today s online environment. Make sure yours is sending out the right message.


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