How to build an email list by converting Instagram followers into subscribers

Instagram itself is a powerful and proven platform to capture the attention of literally hundreds and hundreds of millions of people – but converting your followers into paying customers is a tough task, especially if you aren’t sure of how to take all of your Instagram traffic and converted into web traffic and customers that you can actively market to from here on out.
Thankfully though, converting your Instagram followers into an email subscriber list is one of the easiest processes you could go through as a savvy online marketer today. By getting hold of your prospect’s email information you can market to them as often as you like at next to no expense whatsoever – and converting them into paying customers from there becomes almost effortless.
Let’s dig a little bit deeper into everything you need to know to convert Instagram followers into an email list ASAP!
Use the right bait.
The easiest way to get your Instagram followers juiced up about joining an email subscription list for your business is to simply offer them some kind of “bait” that they are going to be really, really excited about.
Oftentimes this can be something as simple as exclusive content nowhere else available, but from time to time you have to actually create free content (a book, course, or video series) or even give a discount or free products/services away to entice people to enter and give you their email information.
You don’t want to try and “lowball” your followers, as it will send the wrong message that you don’t really care about them other than as potential prospects. Make your bait valuable and you’ll get the kind of reaction that you are after – and that incentive (no matter how costly to you up front) will almost always pay off big time later down the line.
Fulfill your “bait” only after they give you their email on a landing page
A landing page is a simple single page website that you create specifically for your email list, a clear, concise, and tight little page that does one thing and one thing only – collects email information from your Instagram followers.
Make sure that this is the first hoop your followers have to jump through before they get hands on the bait that you have to offer. Once you capture that email information you will be able to plug it into your email marketing software, fire up your autoresponders, and really rock and roll from there!

How to Use Shout Outs to Reach Out to Influencers (Instagram) 
According to Pew Internet report, over 4.2 billion posts get liked, and over 95 million pictures are shared in just less than 24 hours. From these numbers, it is evident that this platform offers a quite significant opportunity for one to share his/her message.
Shoutouts are the most efficient way of getting your brand noticed by users who are interested in what you are offering. By sharing your content with influencers, you are giving their followers a chance to connect with your brand.
Shoutouts are easy and powerful. However, they are not bulletproof. If you want to ensure that you market yourself effectively, first you need to make sure that you stand out. Thus to help you increase your noise ratio and make your brand stand out, below are three steps that you should consider first;
Step1: Create Desirable Content
If your ultimate aim is to find new followers, first you need to come up with a page that users want to follow. Instagram users prefer feeds with visually appealing and interesting content. Even though your ultimate goal is to market, Instagram is not a place for a hard pitch. Rather you will want to come up with feeds full of images that correctly captures your brand culture. This is an opportunity for you to build a lasting relationship with potential clients. You could frame the product line in an artistic way or keep it simple.
Step 2: Find a Brand Ambassador
Once your page is set up, you are ready to get some exposure. Normally brands establish themselves on Instagram first before they start looking for shoutouts. When looking for an influencer, the brands will search for one with whom their customers follow then they manually reach out to the influencer to find out if he/she would be interested in promoting their business. Look for influencers who promote the kind of lifestyle your brand represents.
Step2: Engage Your Users
Getting a few shoutouts implies that you have gained some following on your page. When your message is fresh in the user's mind, they get enthusiastic and look forward to interacting with you. To make the most out of this, it is essential to keep the users engaged. Perhaps one of the ways to do this is by sharing their content or watching out for related hashtags. If someone has posted a photo in which he/she is using your product, showcase it on your page. Making followers part of the brand helps in building a reciprocal relationship. Also, respond to posted comments and questions, this will show the followers that their efforts are valued.
If you are just getting started with Instagram marketing, all you need are three things, good content, real people and engagement and you are set!

Schedule posts so your followers will actually see them
When it comes to driving traffic and building up a following on social media – especially when you’re talking about Instagram – you absolutely MUST schedule the posts that you publish right down to the day and minute that they go live or you could end up wasting a tremendous amount of time, effort, and valuable content without even realizing it.
Sure, there are some people on social media that are able to enjoy a tremendous amount of success posting things willy-nilly to Instagram and other platforms. But these folks are lucky, and no successful business is built on the back of luck over the long-term.
Here are some of the biggest benefits of creating a content calendar and scheduling your posts so that your Instagram followers will not just actually see them but also be motivated to engage with your content as well!
People are more active on social media at different times
According to industrywide research, the very best day to post new content to Instagram is a Tuesday around 4:00 PM Eastern time, though you can usually get away with posting content on any afternoon between Tuesday and Thursday without getting a significant dip in your social media engagement.
The weekends seem like they would be the best time to start posting content – after all, that’s when everyone has the most of “free time” on their hands – but nothing could be further from the truth. Most of these folks are out busy doing something interesting and engaging (rather than sitting mindlessly at their desks in school or at the office), which is why you need to really hit the timing of your posts perfectly.
Another huge advantage of scheduling your content – especially months in advance like big businesses will – is that you never have to worry about getting caught by surprise by major dates (like Valentine’s Day or Black Friday, for example) and then have to cobble together a social media post and campaign that isn’t going to be anywhere near as effective as it could have been or should have been.
As a general rule, you’ll want to look at a calendar of all the major upcoming dates, holidays, and industry milestones that you absolutely MUST hit and then build content for those pieces as early as you can. Get them stored, loaded, and ready to deploy at the right time, but get them sorted as early as possible so that you can focus on spontaneous content published according to your posting guidelines later. This keeps you flexible without missing out on major opportunities.

Why you should create a separate business profile on Instagram 
Instagram recently made it really, really easy to create separate business and individual profiles on the platform and you – as a smart and savvy business owner, entrepreneur, and marketer – would have to be absolutely CRAZY not to take advantage of this opportunity.
There are plenty of benefits to setting up a separate business profile on Instagram, and in this quick guide we are going to hit the really important ones. By the time you’re done with this inside information you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you must create separate accounts just as soon as humanly possible.
Let’s dive right in!
Keep work and play separate
The number one reason to create a separate account for your business is to effortlessly separate your “work” and “play” accounts, allowing your business content to stay with your business and your personal content to stay personal.
When you blend these two kinds of content posts together it can create a real disharmony with your followers. Sometimes you’re able to really strike a little bit of lightning in a bottle and create personal content that resonates with your marketplace as much as your professional content would, but your odds of knocking that out of the park go down significantly.

Why fight this fight when you could keep them separate and create individual identities on each?
Separate accounts are easier to outsource content creation

Another reason to create a separate business account on Instagram is to make it a lot easier to outsource content creation.

When your Instagram account doubles as your business account you are likely to be the one in control of not only posting new content but curating it as well. This can put a lot of unnecessary burden on the driver of business, forcing you to spend a lot of extra time Instagram marketing when you could be spending that time on other high leverage areas of your business.

By splitting your business and your personal account apart, content creation by others that you outsource becomes absolutely effortless.

Separate accounts are assets you can sell with your business

Finally, when you create a separate business account on Instagram you are able to create another asset that can improve the value of your business when it comes time to exit and sell.

Instagram marketing is powerfully effective today and likely will be in the future, and with this kind of business asset it isn’t inconceivable to add five figures or more worth of value to your business that wouldn’t have existed otherwise.

Get that new account set up ASAP!

Anyone can learn how to build their brand with Instagram images... Click here to learn.

Greg Baresel provides life leadership coaching and business consulting to small businesses, entrepreneurs, coaches, and private trainers. His goal is to provide a systematic solution to increase their marketing and sales efforts so they can focus on what they do best... helping their clients. Greg provides business coaching, marketing and business solutions to help run your business more efficiently. To learn more visit and


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