
Showing posts from July, 2019

5 Powerful Ways to Promote Your Business

Marketing and promotion are vital for the success of an online business. Without a strong marketing strategy, then nobody will know about your brand. Make sure to try out at least one of these ways to promote your business so that you can direct traffic to your site. Google Ads Google advertising is one of the most well-known forms of paid advertising. Marketers bid on keywords and these ads show up on Google when a user searches for a particular search term. The advertiser will pay Google when a user clicks on one of the sponsored ads. This is a great way to promote your business. It also works far more quickly compared to typical SEO methods, though it requires a little more expertise to pull it off. Facebook Ads Facebook is becoming more and more like a search engine, and people are listing their products and services on this site. Facebook offers a large variety of advertising types to suit every business model. It also offers something called sponsored stories. These s

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Coaching Online

If you want to be an online coach, you are going to want to get as good as you can at your job before you start taking on clients. That means learning everything you can about coaching, developing a game plan for helping clients and being able to bounce back when someone isn’t working properly. It also means making mistakes. Making mistakes is a vital growing part of any new endeavor and while you can’t avoid all of them, there are four mistakes that you should avoid making as a new online coach, because it will kill your business before you even get started. Doing Everything:  People that do ‘everything’ actually get very little done. If you are a writer, a coach, a YouTuber, a web developer and internet marketer and a wife and mother (or husband and father) you are going to find that all of your endeavors will suffer because you are trying to do too much. Just concentrate on a few things, and do them well.  Having a Crappy Website:  Unfortunately, one of the other majo

How to build an email list by converting Instagram followers into subscribers

Instagram itself is a powerful and proven platform to capture the attention of literally hundreds and hundreds of millions of people – but converting your followers into paying customers is a tough task, especially if you aren’t sure of how to take all of your Instagram traffic and converted into web traffic and customers that you can actively market to from here on out. Thankfully though, converting your Instagram followers into an email subscriber list is one of the easiest processes you could go through as a savvy online marketer today. By getting hold of your prospect’s email information you can market to them as often as you like at next to no expense whatsoever – and converting them into paying customers from there becomes almost effortless. Let’s dig a little bit deeper into everything you need to know to convert Instagram followers into an email list ASAP! Use the right bait. The easiest way to get your Instagram followers juiced up about joining an email subscri

Top 4 Reasons Life & Business Coaches Fail

So, you want to be a life or business coach? That’s a great goal to have and many people have amazing success at it. However, for everyone who is able to break into the industry, build a following and earn a decent living from their coaching, there are 15 who don’t make it. This isn’t to make you think about quitting, but you should know what the odds are before you begin. More importantly, you want to find out what sort of things make other coaches fail – pitfalls that they have already experienced and failed because of – because you can learn how to avoid those same pitfalls that way. Here are the top four reasons why life and business coaches fail, and how to avoid them. Being to Formulaic:  If you use the same method for every single client, you are going to have very limited success. That’s because people are all different. One size does not fit all when it comes to coaching, and you need to be flexible enough to try other methods when you see what one particular one isn’

4 Ways to Make Coaching Difficult Clients Easier

If you stay in the coaching business long enough, you are eventually going to run into what industry professionals call problem clients. These are clients that are difficult to deal with for whatever reason, and they often have to be handled with kid gloves. The behavior itself varies, and can run the gamut from anger to inappropriate comments or touching. You need to develop a strategy for dealing with these problem clients and see if you can change their behavior, and if not, your strategy should include a plan for parting ways with them. 1.Be committed to their success but don't let it go too far. You want to be there for your clients and you want them to succeed but if you invest too much of yourself in their success, you are going to be crushed when they don't make it. Don't allow the outcome of a particular coaching project make you feel emotional or responsible. Also, make sure that you simply aren't getting too close to your client personally as well.

5 Qualities of a Great Coach

When it comes to coaching people, there are a lot of good qualities that many coaches exhibit. In fact, every coach out there has some good qualities that you could list about them, but if you talk to enough coaches and you get to know the people at the top of the industry, you will notice a pattern starting to emerge. You will see that the most successful coaches actually share some of the same attributes. Here are five qualities that the greatest coaches have. See if you can develop these same attributes so that you’ll be in that elite club of successful coaches who are making a difference with their practice. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is a big one. You want to know yourself intimately because if you are still struggling with finding out who you are, you are going to have a major problem coaching other people.  Great Communication: The best coaches have great communication. They say the right things at the right times, and even more importantly, they listen. Listeni