
Mindset and Business: How to Achieve Success in Your Ventures

When we think of success, one of the images that comes to mind is often one of a business man (or woman) decked out in a suit, standing at the top of a high-rise building and looking out over the streets below. We associate business with success in this way for a number of reasons. Firstly, success in business often brings money and riches. Secondly, success in business suggests a certain level of skill and ability and tends to yield a higher status and importance as a result. For all these reasons, business and success go hand in hand in our minds and for many, those are the specific heights that we are aiming for. But is business success really what you want? How can you go about getting it? And what might you unwittingly be doing wrong that could be sabotaging your own success? In this guide, we’ll take an in-depth look at what it means to be a success in business; and how you should go about getting there. Be Careful What You Wish For The first thing to remember i

How to win customers and influence people

Have you checked out your website visitor figures lately? Is your SERPs something to be proud of or are you still languishing in P-Nowhere on page 11 of Google? Unless you re on that front page of every search, you re missing out on a huge amount of potential business. More than 90% of searchers click on the first page listings. The further down the rankings you are, the less likely you are to get a slice of that particular pie. SEO copywriting has a vital role to play in getting visitors to click on your site, but if there s nothing to grab them once they've clicked, they ll quickly bounce and never return. So there s an aspect of web copywriting that has to play a primary role in keeping your visitors coming back for more, and it s called 'Conversion Optimization . What is conversion optimization? Conversion optimization is a method of creating content that converts visitors into customers. It s vital that your message inspires not just the search engine 'bots

Using Analytics to Improve Your Website

Website analytics are there to help you track and measure various parameters of your website. But, they can also help you ensure that your website is completely optimized in every aspect - including layout, speed, SEO, and more. For example, with Google Analytics you can create many different reports to help you understand the health of your website. Set Goals First The first thing to do is set goals for your analytics. For example, if you are having a webinar you might want to study how many people sign up for your webinar and signed up for your newsletter. If you’ve created a white paper you may want to keep track of how many people downloaded the white paper, and if you put links inside the white paper you want to know how many people click through. Did SEO Work or Not? Using the analytics that you have available, you can find out if traffic or conversions increased after you updated your SEO on your site and added more content. What Type of Content Works Best?  You c

Can SEO Be Part Of A Medical Marketing Strategy

The first point to consider in relation to medical SEO is that whilst other industries may find it simple to stick to the 'content is king' rule, the publication of relevant copy on your site may prove to be a little more taxing. Given the complexity of the topics, the sensitivity of the intended audience and the costs involved in creating a medical site that will rise to the top of natural search rankings, you might feel that you are faced with a mammoth marketing task. This is why any sensible medical SEO marketing strategy will take a multifaceted approach to the problem that does not put all of its eggs in one basket. The second thing to appreciate is that whilst search engines are undeniably important in driving traffic to your site, they have the potential to be a little less stable in their ability to do so than you might imagine. Big search engines are constantly adapting the ways in which they filter sites and rank them using algorithms, which means a small chang

Why This Kind of Influencer Marketing is the Very Best Growth Hack Around

If you’re looking to give your website the biggest boost possible in the shortest amount of time, then you’re looking for a growth hack. A growth hack is any technique that can be used to give a website an instant boost in terms of its visibility and traffic and the best of these can help you to ‘skip’ a lot of the grinding that’s normally necessary for good SEO. And what is by far one of the best growth hacks is influencer marketing. When done right, influencer marketing can help you to go from 0 weekly views to hundreds of thousands. Here’s how… What is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing essentially means that you are working with big ‘influencers’. An influencer is anyone who has a large audience and very often that will mean someone on YouTube or on Instagram that has managed to amass a large following. These people don’t only have an audience, they also have the trust of that audience and the ability to sway opinion. Thus, if you can get them to recommend you

Tips to Help You Choose a Great Niche Market

First things first…what is a niche market? Unless you have been hiding in a cave somewhere for the last ten years then for sure, you have heard about the term, “niche market” before. Essentially, it is a division of a mainstream market; it is a small market that addresses that needs of a specific group of people. One good example of a mainstream market would be cars. It is an overwhelmingly huge market, and there are dozens of auto companies selling many different car types and models in the US alone. But there are people who are only looking for SUVs, and if you create a website about SUVs then you are likely to get more buyers than if you built a site about cars in general. 3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Niche Market Now that you already have an idea of what a niche market is and why it is better to tap one, the next step is for you to find a great niche market. Many people would probably tell you to choose a niche that you are passionate about, one that yo

How to Succeed in the Niche Market

There are young people who have become Internet millionaires even before reaching the age of 30, and anybody who has made the decision to earn money online would certainly like to know what these guys did to become so filthy rich. Due to the vastness of the Internet, there are so many ways for people to earn a decent income from it. You can build a website (or websites) to sell a product or service, or monetize it through affiliate marketing, Adsense, lead generation, or even by selling advertising space. Once you have plenty of traffic going into your site, then you could very well start earning money from it. If you want to become an Internet Marketer, it is best to focus your time and effort on a specific market. Studies show that niche marketing produces better results and is less costly compared to mass marketing. Think of it this way. If a customer were to buy a Gibson guitar, and he had to choose between a store that sells all kinds of electric guitars and a