
Showing posts from June, 2019

What Are the Best Coaching Training Programs?

If you are interested in coaching, it is highly recommended that you enroll in a training program, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience coaching. However, when you search for a training program online, there are literally thousands to choose from, so how do you know which ones are actually legitimate and which ones you should stay away from? While most of them offer some kind of value to the person taking the course, there are only a few that you should concentrate on, because you want training that other coaches and potential clients will respect and appreciate. Here are four of the best training programs out there for life coaches. Institute for Professionalism Excellence in Coaching (iPEC):  This is an accredited coaching program that is very well-respected by those in the coaching community. They offer a variety of coaching tracks including business coaching, corporate and executive coaching, health & wellness coach and much more. They have training program

Getting Over Your Fear of Failing Your Clients

So, you‘ve taken the giant leap forward to setting up your own coaching practice and while you are excited to start helping people realize their dreams, you are also pretty nervous too. In fact, you might be so nervous that you’re not even sure how you are going to meet with your first client. Suddenly, there are all these voices of doubt inside your head, telling you that you’re not good enough to be coaching anyone, that your advice sucks and that no one is actually going to pay for coaching with you, and if they do, they’re going to be disappointed. Guess what? Those voices are perfectly normal; unless they start telling you to do other things, that is. Every coach that starts out in the business experiences doubt, and sometimes it can be crippling. So, what do you do to get rid of this doubt and have a successful coaching business? While the only real cure for the voices in your head is some actual experience and time being a coach, and experiencing success, there are some

Finding the Root Cause of Your Client’s Obstacles

When you are helping a client, it can be easy to go with a quick solution to a problem. For a person that is overweight and wants to diet, creating a menu for them and monitoring their progress might seem like the right way to help them. Someone who struggles with low self-esteem might be helped by counseling sessions and confidence builders. But sometimes, the problem is deeper than something that can be helped with an easy solution. Sometimes, you have to find the root cause if you want to help someone. So, how do you go about finding the root cause of someone’s behaviors in sporadic coaching sessions? Believing, Thinking & Acting There is a specific process that people go through when they exhibit behaviors. It is the belief-thought-action cycle; understanding that cycle can be the key to solving their deeper issues, because often, a behavior that is destructive is linked to a belief that is driving it. You have to work your way back through this cycle in order to f

5 Signs of a Professional Coach

When it comes to coaching, there are people all over the internet that claim to be professionals in their particular occupation. Because starting a coaching practice costs less than other types of businesses, and because you don’t need a lot of training to begin, many people have jumped on the bandwagon of coaching, partly because of the popular programs out there that have made it look easy. But how do you tell the professionals from the amateurs in the field? Here are five signs to look for that will give you a clue as to if a coach is a professional or not. They Have a Professional Website : The first thing that you will notice about professionals in this field is that they have a professional website. Coaches that are just starting out and are trying to save money will often design their own using tools from their hosting provider, or they will have use a platform like Wordpress that makes their site look like everyone else’s.  They Are Organized & They Write Every